Monday, March 29, 2010

Power point already does the things the vendor was talking about. Which power point you can add narration and a talking head videoclip to a power point presentation. You can add narration and videoclips to power point for free- certainly do not need to buy $1200 product to do that. People are intemidated by tecnology and techno-talk , and are just dazzled by the promise that sum vendors make . some people things that , part of the reason people purchase software because they do not no what power point and other tool on their desktop can do. For me , powerpoint is widely viewed as just a presentation tool and a such it is terribly a bused. Some people really dont understand what they could do if they just set down and learned how to use powerpoint hyperlinking capabilities and animation properly. For example text fliying in , and the spinning and disolving chart , did not do anythings to convey the reality ofand increase in cases. More meaning animation, was an animated bar slowly climbing from the bottom of the graph up to word the top.It makes an impact the power point its morable that what are good animation can do.People do not take the time to learn how todo thise type of things, they do not thing through what they are trying to accomplish.Beside that you do not want to buy something that already you have. MS paint come free which windows and can use for creating or editing of photographs. Powerpoint does not have ambedded means of tracking and there are limitation to the interaction that you can build for learns. A good deal of e-learning is missing the concept of helping the learner to develop skills. Great e-learning , like great training , is grounded in constructivist frame work. In the future, e-learning is more about the instruction and less about the technology. So that , by telling people that they can develope e-learning with simple tools like powerpoint that more people will do that and trainer will make good decision.


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