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Most Malaysians dress as Westerners do but many Muslim women wear long skirts/pants and head scarves. On special occasions, people from each ethnic group wear their traditional clothes.
Malays: For Malay women, they wear the baju kurung; Malay men wear the baju melayu with a songkok on the head. Alternatively, the men wear batik shirts with trousers.
Indians: Indian women wear the sari. The salwar kameez or Punjabi suit is popular with northern Indian ladies. The kurta is the traditional attire for men on formal occasions.
Chinese women: The traditional clothes for Chinese women is the cheongsam
Peranakan ladies: Also known as Baba Nyonya, they are Chinese immigrants who married Malay partners. They wear the elegant kebaya that can be described as traditional high fashion. (literally 'long dress') or qipao.
Malaysia is on the Malay Peninsula in southeast Asia. The nation also includes Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo to the east. Its area slightly exceeds that of New Mexico.
Most of Malaysia is covered by forest, with a mountain range running the length of the peninsula. Extensive forests provide ebony, sandalwood, teak, and other wood.
Constitutional monarchy.
The ancestors of the people that now inhabit the Malaysian peninsula first migrated to the area between 2500 and 1500 B.C. Those living in the coastal regions had early contact with the Chinese and Indians; seafaring traders from India brought with them Hinduism, which was blended with the local animist beliefs. As Muslims conquered India, they spread the religion of Islam to Malaysia. In the 15th century, Islam acquired a firm hold on the region when the Hindu ruler of the powerful city-state of Malacca, Parameswara Dewa Shah, converted to Islam.
British and Dutch interest in the region grew in the 1800s, with the British East India Company's establishment of a trading settlement on the island of Singapore. Trade soared, with Singapore's population growing from only 5,000 in 1820 to nearly 100,000 in just 50 years. In the 1880s, Britain formally established protectorates in Malaysia. At about the same time, rubber trees were introduced from Brazil. With the mass production of automobiles, rubber became a valuable export, and laborers were brought in from India to work the rubber plantations.
Daun sirih ulam Cik Da
Makan sekapur lalu mati
Walaupun banyak ilmu di dada
Biar merunduk resmi padi
Buah pelaga makan dikikir
Dibawa orang dari hulu
Sebarang kerja hendak difikir
Supaya jangan mendapat malu
Kemumu di tengah pekan
Dihembus angin jatuh ke bawah
Ilmu yang tidak diamalkan
Bagai pohon tidak berbuah
Tumbuh melata si pokok tebu
Pergi pasar membeli daging
Banyak harta tak ada ilmu
Bagai rumah tidak berdinding
Tulis surat di dalam gelap
Ayatnya banyak yang tidak kena
Jagalah diri jangan tersilap
Jikalau silap awak yang bencana
Hendak belayar ke Teluk Betong
Sambil mencuba labuhkan pukat
Bulat air kerana pembetung
Bulat manusia kerana muafakat
Pakai baju warna biru
Pergi ke sekolah pukul satu
Murid sentiasa hormatkan guru
Kerana guru pembekal ilmu
Lagu bernama serampang laut
Ditiup angin dari Selatan
Layar dikembang kemudi dipaut
Kalau tak laju binasa badan
Padi segemal kepuk di hulu
Sirih di hilir merekap junjungan
Kepalang duduk menuntut ilmu
Pasir sebutir jadikan intan.
Budak-budak berkejar-kejar
Rasa gembira bermain di sana
Kalau kita rajin belajar
Tentu kita akan berjaya
Jangan pergi mandi di lombong
Emak dan kakak sedang mencuci
Jangan suka bercakap bohong
Semua kawan akan membenci
Buah cempedak bentuknya bujur
Sangat disukai oleh semua
Jika kita bersikap jujur
Hidup kita dipandang mulia
Jikalau tuan mengangkat peti
Tolong masukkan segala barang
Jikalau anak-anak bersatu hati
Kerja yang susah menjadi senang
Asam kandis mari dihiris
Manis sekali rasa isinya
Dilihat manis dipandang manis
Lebih manis hati budinya
Kayu bakar dibuat arang
Arang dibakar memanaskan diri
Jangan mudah menyalahkan orang
Cermin muka lihat sendiri
Selasih tumbuh di tepi telaga
Selasih dimakan si anak kuda
Kasih ibu membaa ke syurga
Kasih saudara masa berada
Masuk hutan pakai sepatu
Takut kena gigitan pacat
Kalau kita selalu bersatu
Apa kerja mudah dibuat
Bandar baru Seberang Perai
Gunung Daik bercabang tiga
Hancur badan tulang berkecai
Budi yang baik dikenang juga
Encik Dollah pergi ka Jambi
Pergi pagi kembali petang
Kalau Tuhan hendak membagi
Pintu berkancing rezeki datang
Orang haji dari Jeddah
Buah kurma berlambak-lambak
Pekerjaan guru bukanlah mudah
Bagai kerja menolak ombak
Pinang muda dibelah dua
Anak burung mati diranggah
Dari muda sampai ke tua
Ajaran baik jangan diubah
Terang bulan di malam sepi
Cahya memancar kepangkal kelapa
Hidup di dunia buatlah bakti
Kepada ibu dan juga bapa
Kapal kecil jangan dibelok
Kalau dibelok patah tiangnya
Budak kecil jangan di peluk
Kalau dipeluk patah tulangnya
Asal kapas menjadi benang
Dari benang dibuat kain
Barang yang lepas jangan dikenang
Sudah menjadi hak orang lain
Tengahari pergi mengail
Dapat seekor ikan tenggiri
Jangan amalkan sikap bakhil
Akan merosak diri sendiri
Kapal Anjiman disangka hantu
Nampak dari Kuala Acheh
Rosak iman kerana nafsu
Rosak hati kerana kasih
Tingkap papan kayu bersegi
Sampan sakat di Pulau Angsa
Indah tampan kerana budi
Tinggi darjat kerana bahasa
Anak Siti anak yang manja
Suka berjalan di atas titi
Orang yang malas hendak bekerja
Pasti menyesal satu hari nanti
Bintang tujuh sinar berseri
Bulan purnama datang menerpa
Ajaran guru hendak ditaati
Mana yang dapat jangan dilupa
Parang tajam tidak berhulu
Buat menetak si pokok Ru
Bila belajar tekun selalu
Jangan ingkar nasihat guru
Hari malam gelap-gelita
Pasang lilin jalan ke taman
Sopan santun budaya kita
Jadi kebanggaan zaman berzaman
ALOR GAJAH: It was a tragic and violent end for a couple caught in a love triangle when the 41-year-old husband brutally murdered his wife before hanging himself at their home in Taman Seri Redan, Masjid Tanah, here.
A. Ilangathil, a lorry driver, is believed to have slit the throat of his wife, N. Jayaletchumi, 38, and stabbed her while she was asleep in their bedroom before taking his own life.
Two of the couple’s four children were at home when the incident was believed to have happened between 10pm on Monday and 6.30am Tuesday.
Police recovered a two-page note written by the husband accusing his wife of infidelity and requesting that relatives take care of the couple’s children.
According to a close family member, the couple’s 15-year-old son noticed Ilangathil tying a rope near the dining hall’s air-well area next to the living room.
However, he was told by his father to mind his own business and go to bed when he asked about the rope.
At the time of the incident, only the 15-year-old son and 11-year-old daughter were at home as their 16-year-old sister was away in Seremban while their 13-year-old brother was staying with an uncle in Kampung Jeram, about 5km away.
The youngest daughter made the gruesome discovery when she woke up at 7am.
She and her distraught brother immediately sought help from neighbours who later informed their relatives.
When met at the scene, I. Thanesh, 13, said he was shocked over the loss of his parents as they did not argue much and their relationship seemed normal.
It is learnt that the couple, who were from Seremban, settled down in Malacca about four years ago. It is also learnt that the husband lost his job about a month ago.
State CID chief Asst Comm Mohd Adnan Abdullah said the case has been classified as murder-cum-suicide.
Police have recovered two knives and a rope from the scene. Both bodies were sent to the Malacca Hospital for post-mortem.
Based on initial investigations, ACP Mohd Adnan said jealously was the motive.